Don't Laugh

Luke  1:18 And Zachariah said unto the angel, Whereby shall I know this? for I am an old man, and my wife well stricken in years.

Can we really blame Zachariah for being skeptical(doubtful)  after being told he is going to give a son after reaching an old age...?

We also have a record of two people who lived before Zachariah : 99 year old Abraham and his  89 year old wife,  when they,  in their old age,  heard God's promise of a son,  they laughed (Genesis 17:17, 18:12)

Scripture is full of skeptics that God uses in spite of their doubts.  Moses is one,  He gave all kinds of excuses for not going back to Egypt to lead God's people out of slavery.  But God used him anyway. 

Then we have Gideon too, thinking of impossibility of wining a great battle with little force,  in fact the whole nation of Israel was a collection of skeptics..  Yet God used them. 

Does this mean  God loves skepticism?.  No.  It means He  loves all   people.  God loves working through people and making believers out of them.

Is there a promise in your life that you have trouble believing?

Maybe it's God's promise of providing for you,  or promise of good health,  or that of good job?..  But yet it seems not coming...

Maybe it has seized to be to you like the manner of a woman,  yet God is still promising you a child... 

Maybe God promised you joy and happiness,  but instead sorrow is coming day after day...

Don't laugh, don't be doubtful

God is faithful,  He can make a believer out of you too,  just like He did with Zachariah. 

God bless you.