Nothing is wrong with You

John  14:1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

Countless number of times we thought in our heart that God is wicked,

when we are faced with the most difficult situations of life, we thought maybe God is no more existing

We most time consider our problems, sorrow, bad situations as a result of our sins, or the mistakes of our past generations.

We even thought maybe something is wrong with us, when our friends and colleagues are succeeding and we are not.

Our sorrow may increase even when we are righteous before God.

I stand to tell you today that... Nothing is wrong with you.

Joseph was placed in prison not for doing anything wrong, but for doing something right.

Don’t demand to understand, you can come to a time of perplexity even though you have done nothing wrong.

1. Job was perplexed, it was for his righteousness

2. John the Baptist was perplexed while in Prison, it was for speaking the truth

When you find yourself in these most difficult situations...

1. Don't fail to be faithful. The same God who was with Jeosph in  good times was also with him in bad times

2. Don't bow to bitterness. One of the greatest tests in life is this: Not how you react when you’re punished for doing wrong, but how you react when you’re persecuted for doing right.

3.  Don't be unwilling to wait... Your success may seems delayed, the struggle and suffering may increase, don't ever give up, don't relent and don't yield away from God

4. Don’t let dreams dissolve, Joseph never forgot the dream God gave him, God never forget too... Whatever God has promised you will come in due time, provided you remain in Him.

Whatever you are going through now, nothing is wrong with you. Believe in God and His words... Your victory is near.

God bless you.