Break the yoke

2 Corinthians  6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

 A yoke is a wooden bar that joins two oxen to each other and to the burden they pull.

An “unequally yoked” team has one stronger ox and one weaker, or one taller and one shorter. The weaker or shorter ox would walk more slowly than the taller, stronger one, causing the load to go around in circles. When oxen are unequally yoked, they cannot perform the task set before them. Instead of working together, they are at odds with one another.

Unbelievers tend to have different worldviews than those of believers. Those views include things on sin (premarital sex, morals, values, etc.)

As a believer in christ Jesus, having d same yoke with an unbeliever is like an unbalance pully, no matter how well you try to make it work, it won't.

You will rather be compelled to do things contrary to the laws of chirst.

We are adviced never to be yoked with an unbeliever, we have no common trait as sourjoners

There is no relationship between the dackness and the light... No. Matter how long you hide... The Truth will find you

Break the yoke now, before the yoke breaks you down...

Disassociate yourself from friends and co-wokers who can make you sin against God, else you will sink with them when the judgment is pronounced.

The time is now.

God bless you.