Break the Limit and go beyond.

Romans  8:37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

We are all limited in some way. We may have a physical weakness of some kind, we may be socially awkward, or we could have a weak educational background.

Some people deal with past disappointments that try to hinder the development of future success.

 Everyone is dealing with something. However, no one has to be limited when it comes to God’s purpose and intention for their life.

Moses felt limited by his ability to speak.
Gideon felt limited by his 300 men
The disciples felt limited with the 5 loaves and 2 fishes
Jeremiah felt like he was just a child in Jer. 1
Paul had a thorn in the flesh; admitted he was weak and trembling in I Cor. 2

Yet after the touch of God in the life of these people, they broke the tide of limitation and went beyound their initial imagination

God has deposited the fruit of greatness in everyone it is left to you to grow it.

If you need to break the limit and go beyound, you must first get aquinted with the unlimited God.

You must also  refused to accept the circumstances of life that sorrunds you.

Don't settle for the best, and rather go for what is better than the best... There is more you can do than you have done.

... With God, all things are possible.

God bless you.