God can restore You

1 Peter  5:10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

Many people ask the pondering question. " can Christians today be restored to full time Christian ministry such as Peter was after denying the Lord three times?"

The answer is yes.

Our God is a forgiving God, He will not only forgive but also forget your past wrong doings.

It is only difficult for man to bring back a betrayal friend to his/her former state... But with God, He even works better than He has done in the past.

Apostle peter disappoint Jesus... Denied Him three good times, yet God still work wonders through him as the leader of the apostles.

Have you disappoint God in the past?, are you living below expectation of God?, are you seeing yourself as useless after falling out of grace into the pit of sin?

Do not condemn yourself yet... GOD can still make use of you, He can still work wonders through you...

Peter realised his mistakes... He went back to God,... Even though he denied Jesus in secret, but he declare and confirm Him as the Christ in public...

You aslo can do the same... Pick the pieces left of you and bring yourself to God to remold you.

God is waiting...  Don't die a useless servant..

God bless you.