O ye dry bones

Ezekiel  37:4 Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.

In the passage above, Ezekiel finds himself in a valley filled with dry bones, a haunting image of spiritual desolation and hopelessness. However, it is in this seemingly lifeless situation that the prophet is called to prophesy, giving us a profound lesson about God's ability to bring life, hope, and renewal to even the driest of circumstances.

At times, each of us may find ourselves in situations that resemble the valley of dry bones—moments of brokenness, despair, and spiritual emptiness.

 These dry bones represent the areas in our lives where hope seems lost, where dreams have withered away, and where it feels like nothing can change our situation.

The valley of dry bones also symbolizes spiritual stagnation in a community or a nation. It reminds us of times when God's people have turned away from Him, causing their spiritual life to dwindle and their connection with Him to weaken. But,  dear reader, we must remember that God's grace extends even to these dry and desolate places.

Ezekiel was instructed by God to prophesy to the dry bones—to speak life into a seemingly lifeless situation. Similarly, God is calling us to prophesy to the dry areas of our lives and our communities. He wants us to use the power of His Word and His Spirit to bring transformation, healing, and restoration.

When we prophesy, we declare the promises of God over our circumstances, believing that His Word has the power to create life where there was none.

We may not see immediate results, but our faith in God's ability to resurrect what is dead can breathe hope and life into even the direst situations.

In Ezekiel's vision, after he prophesied to the dry bones, a rattling sound occurred, and the bones came together, forming complete bodies.

 However, they still lacked life until the breath of God came upon them. It is the breath of God—the Holy Spirit—that brings true life and empowers us to rise from our spiritual dryness.

Similarly, in our lives, when we allow the Holy Spirit to move within us, His life-giving breath revives our souls and rejuvenates our spirits.

 The Holy Spirit empowers us to overcome our weaknesses, helps us develop a deeper relationship with God, and enables us to bear fruit that brings glory to our Creator.

Ezekiel saw the dry bones coming together to form complete bodies, signifying the importance of unity and restoration. When we embrace the Holy Spirit, we experience unity within ourselves and with other believers. This unity strengthens the body of Christ, allowing us to work together as one, making a significant impact on our communities and the world.

Let us be  reminded that no situation is beyond God's redemptive power. Even in our driest and most hopeless moments, we have hope in the Spirit of the living God. Let us prophesy to the dry bones in our lives, speaking life and hope into them, knowing that God's Spirit can restore and renew all things.

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of another day today in Jesus Christ name 

2. Lord, I surrender my life to you, bring life to every dryness in my life in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, make me an agent of Restoration in your redemptive plan in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.