Wait on the Lord

John  2:4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.

Many are times we looked at God in the face disappointed

Times we don't want to come back the next day

Times  we don't want to take a No for an answer

Times we can't wait anymore for a second

When we just want God to rise and save us

When we are pushed to the wall, knocked down and our strength seems exhausted

When it seems life is about to go out on us,

But yet the response of God is "My hour  has not come"

Life isn't fair, yet we seems disappointed in God who suppose to help and save in times we expect.

But the good news is, when it is time and God rise to help, in just a minute you will forget all your past troubles

Are you in that position of doubt and disappointment?

Stand up, braise up with the little strength that remains  in you

Hold your Faith and walk into your salvation

Don't give up yet,

When there is life, there is hope

At 11:59, God can still work wonders.

Keep your Faith alive and trust in God

Though weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning.

Wait on the Lord

God bless you.