Greatness without Prayer

Deuteronomy  28:1 And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth:

Prayer  is an evolving means of interacting with God, most frequently through a spontaneous, individual, unorganized form of petitioning and/or thanking. ... In these instances, such as with Isaac, Moses, Samuel, and Job, the act of praying is a method of changing a situation for the better

Today many people see prayer, fasting as the only solution to problems, but sadly it is not 

We may be faced with many tribulations and troubles, and have prayed all kinds of prayer known for, yet the story remains the same, 

The first step to greatness, testimony is obedience to God's word. 

God reveal the secret of greatness to Moses in the verse above, all the blessings will  come over Israel not after they have prayed, but after they have obeyed. 

Many people's blessings, greatness, testimony are delayed today not because they don't pray or fast, but because they fail to obey simple instructions of God. 

You can stay many years in the prayer room and yet don't have testimony.

Sometimes our problem does not need prayer but simple step of faith, 

Sometimes we don't need to climb mountains before our prayer is answered but to listen to the still voice of God 

The more we pray without obedience, the more our blessings and testimonies are being delayed. 

God is not wicked if our prayers are not answered, but we are the reason they are not answered. 

Stop praying, start obeying God.

God bless you