The Certainty of God's Promise

Hebrews  6:13 For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself,

A promise is a covenant or declaration that one will do exactly what they say or something will happen just as pledged.

When God makes a promise to his people, it will come to pass, no matter the years, or time that passes. 

The Certainty of His covenant and promise to Abraham made Him sware by Himself as there is no other greater than Him. 

His promise to Abraham came to pass by giving him a son, 

He promised Joshua to go with Him anywhere he go to, and it came to pass 

As a child of God, whatever God promise you be rest assured they will definitely come to pass, 

He said, though the Earth and heaven may pass, but little of His word will never go by unfulfilled because He has raised His word even more than His name. 

Do not loose hope while waiting on God's promises, let your faith be increased daily, for it is certain He will fulfil His promises,  He is not a man that He should lie. 

As you live your life daily, May God grant you the strength to wait for him... 

God has never and will never fail His promises... 

God bless you.