Jesus rejected at Nazareth

Matthew  13:57 And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house.  13:58 And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.

There is no doubt Jesus is the saviour, a miracle worker, and the peace on earth, 

In several ways He has performed miracles, in several cities and towns, but in His own town, he was rejected... 

A place where His fame should grow more, a place where He was well known, but yet they refuse to accept Him... 

That didn't bother Jesus, He didn't fight or speak against them, He rather choose to leave to a place where He can be celebrated and accepted. 

The fact that you are rejected at  place does not mean the problem is you, it simply means they are the problem. 

You don't need to force people to accept what you preach, you don't need to force people to accept you wherever you go,

What you carry is not limited to a place, if you are not accepted at a place, leave to another, don't be angry, be joyful because each step brings you closer to your destiny.

Joseph was rejected by His family, but was accepted by a whole nation

Sometimes, God use forces against you in other to set you in motion when you are unwilling to move an inch.

The purpose of God for your life is to move round and dominate the world and not to become a local champion.

If Jesus could be rejected by His own people, how much more you?, but you most always know its for the glory of God.

Don't be angry when people don't accept your teaching or sermons...

Don't be angry if people are not willing to buy your product

Don't be angry if people don't believe in your visions and dreams...

As long as you follow the directions of God, right people will definitely be positioned on your path.

Just believe in God.

God bless you.