Identify the Source

Ephesians  6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Satan uses people and circumstances,  but they  are not our real enemy, he is. 

He works through people and  circumstances,  then delights in watching us react without ever realising that he is the source. 

When Satan used Peter to try to prevent Jesus from going to the cross to complete the task God had sent Him to do.   Jesus  turned away from peter and said to him,  "Get behind Me,  Satan"...

Satan  used Peter,  but Jesus knew that Peter was not  His problem,  so He turned away from Peter and addressed the source of the problem - Satan. 

So,  first identify the source of your Problem. At the cross, Jesus prayed... 'Father forgive them,  for they do not know what they do'...

When you understand that Satan's strategy is to use
Other people to tear you down,  it's easier to forgive them.  You don't have to carry the weight of resentment.  You can leave them,, in God's hand.

You won't be exempt from devil's attack,  but you will be shielded from it and you won't be discouraged or defeated by it. 

Always address the source (Satan)  and not the instrument used (people).

God bless you.